99 names of muhammad with meaning
99 names of muhammad with meaning

99 names of muhammad with meaning

To your surprise an English Author David Bentley who is a Christian was so inspired by these beautiful names of God that he has written a book called “ The Beautiful Names of God” which is a very inspiring book for Muslims, Christians and Jews as they all call upon the same GOD (Allah in Arabic, Elohim in Hebrew and Theós in Greek). Collection of 99 Names of Holy Prophet Muhammad with English translation and meaning. These names are attributes of Allah SWT by which Muslims regard God. The 99 names of Allah SWT are called ‘Asma Al-Husna’ which in Arabic means ‘The Most Beautiful Names’. Prophet Muhammad’s life and his traditions (Sunnah) are of great significance and Muslims follow his traditions all over the world.Īllah SWT has 99 names (See Art: Names of Allah). The entire religion is based on the Holy Quran. These revelations are regarded as the Word of God which has been compiled as the Holy Quran. He reported receiving these revelations until the day of his death. These revelations were brought to him by angle Jibrael (Gabriel) AS. Prophet Muhammad Pbuh was the Chosen One who received revelations (Ayah meaning Signs) from Allah SWT. It is derived from the root word ‘Hamd’ meaning praise. The name Muhammad in Arabic means Highly Praised. It is mandatory in Islam to have absolute and unquestionable faith in the oneness of Allah SWT and that Mohammed is the last Messenger of Allah. ‘La Ilaha illallah Muhammad Ur rasool Allah’ is the central dogma of Islam around which the entire belief system revolves. In reality you will find Arab Jews and Christians calling upon Allah in their prayer, and even a Chinese Muslim will call upon Allah in his prayer. It’s a common misconception that Allah is only the God of Muslims or people from the desert. Allah is the best and the most suited name for God. Islamic scholars had to rely on ijtihad (independent judgement) to find these names in the Quran and sunnah and different scholars came up with different lists.


Muslims are supposed to learn these names of Allah, but Muhammad didnt offer the full list of these names. There are many other names of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran, but these other names are attributes of the creator. The Quran talks about 'beautiful names of Allah' and the hadiths further specify that there is exactly 99 names. In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. To test what Allah can be, he has given an acid test in his book as he speaks to his servant (Prophet Mohammad) in The Holy Quran. The name Allah is unique and unmatched and indicates the existence of one creator of the universe who is omnipotent and all-powerful. Mahmood (The Qasim (The Distributor) Hamid (The Praiser) Commendable) Name Meaning Name Meaning. The word Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. It is derived from the union of the word ‘Al’ meaning ‘The’ and ‘Ilah’ Meaning ‘God’ (See Art: God in other languages ). In Arabic, the word Allah (See Art: 99 Names of Allah & The Word Allah ) means ‘The God’.

99 names of muhammad with meaning